28th International Forum of New Cinema
Kisangani Diary / Loin du Rwanda

Hubert Sauper
Frankreich/Österreich 1997

Produktion/production company:
Nikolaus Geyrhalter Film Wien, Flor Films Paris
Weltvertrieb/world sales:
Hubert Sauper
53, Rue Sauffroy, F-75017 Paris
Tel./Fax: (33-1) 40250356
Buch und Schnitt/screenplay and editor: Hubert Sauper
Kamera/cinematography: Hubert Sauper, Zsuzsanna Varkkonyi

Format: 35mm, 1:1.66, Farbe/colour
Länge/running time: 45 Minuten/minutes

Arsenal   Fr 20.2. 18.30

''Kisangani Diary behandelt die traurige Lage der ruandischen Flüchtlinge in Zaire, die nicht nur an Hunger und Krankheit sterben, sondern vor allem von den 'Rebellen' Laurent Kabilas vernichtet werden. Gemessen an der Tragweite dieser Umstände ist in der Weltöffentlichkeit wenig davon bekannt geworden. Deshalb habe ich keine Analyse im journalistischen Sinn zu machen versucht, sondern schildere diese unglaubliche Realität mit einfachen, chronologisch angeordneten Bildern, als Tagebuch.''

Along an overgrown rail track south of Kisangani, lost refugees are discovered by an expedition of the UN. There are 80.000 Hutus from far away Rwanda. They are the last survivors of the three year hunger and armed persecution in the Congo basin. Even though hundreds of people die every day from diseases and malnutrition, new hope arises among the victims of a forgotten war. The Rwandans are being promised repatriation with aeroplanes out of Kisangani. But only four weeks later, the unprotected UN camps are again machine-gunned. Massacred by the celebrated 'liberating rebel army' of today's 'democrated republic' Congo Konshasa. ''Against my will I became witness of an indescribable apocalypse. The horror was not primarily seeing the results of another stupid war, another genocide, but understanding the continuing indifference of our 'civilized' world towards such desasters - at the end of our century of holocausts.'' Hubert Sauper

