As a follow-up to the program to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Forum at this year's Berlinale, we are showing another film from the first batch of 1971, which brought together politically-committed documentaries, innovative feature films and historical revivals:
TROPICI (Gianni Amico, I 1968, 29.9., Introduction: Cristina Nord) “TROPICI tells - at first simply - the story of a young family from Brazil’s northeastern region, forced to leave their home in search of work. They take the few possessions that they have and with great effort make their way through the barren and desolate country suffering privations. Their destination is the southern coast, first Recife and then São Paulo where they hope they will find work.(…) TROPICI comes across as more immediate and controversial than a film with clear intentions of social criticism would have.” (Forum program) “The intention of the film is to give a comprehensive and realistic impression of life, economic conditions and the political situation of a Third World country.” (Gianni Amico)