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To create these pictures I used the generator DALL-E, an Open AI system that produces images from a text prompt in natural language. I input the descriptions for the glossary terms below into the system and these are what emerged from its imagination :) Then I made a selection of the best :) - Viera Čákanyová


boat (eng) /boʊt/ mori (lat)

* inspired by the Japanese phenomenon ‘hikikomori’, a form of severe social withdrawal

* a natural person who decides to follow their mortal fate

* leaves for the sea by boat

* registers their [life story] on analogue film


* a planetary technosphere, online digital environment - the virtual layer of the planetary grid


* Global Decentralised Autonomous Organization

* a digital body managing/governing society, based on artificial intelligence exercising a form of futarchy, operating in the planetary technosphere called the EON


* age of loneliness

* a neologism created by Harvard biology professor E.O. Wilson

* depicts a future epoch marked by an existential and material isolation of humans resulting from extinction of many other forms of biological life

* a significant decline in Earth's biodiversity caused by human demography and activity

wetware safari

wetware /wɛtwɛ:/

* human brain cells or thought processes regarded as analogous to, or in contrast with computer systems

* a domain of biological non-human species (animals, plants) as well as people who refuse to merge with the EON

desert people

* together with botomoris, hunters and gatherers, a separate group of natural people

* a back-to-the-roots movement emphasizing the human connection with the physical world of nature and the elements

* regarded by agents of the EON as extreme or heretical, not following implementation protocols into the planetary technosphere

* exhibiting signs of sect-like behaviour


* dominant posthuman religion of the Eremocene, worshiped by members of the new elite

* based on two main principles: immortality and interplanetarianism

* new world order, new objective reality, new culture

* inspired by technological and scientific achievements of the late Eremocene

life story

* a ‘terminus technicus’ designating a mandatory template designed by G-DAO

* a digital imprint of a person’s existence, recorded through a strict protocol and stored in a cloud archives

* [botomori people] avoided this official template, using off-template analogue audiovisual testaments instead, unreachable by G-DAO

original character

* a biological master copy of the posthuman virtual entity

* an analogue fossil hidden beneath the digital data at the bottom of the planetary grid

vector space

* graphically represents how artificial intelligence/neural networks “understand” natural language models

* words or phrases from the vocabulary are mapped to vectors that encode the meaning of words; words that are closer in the vector space are expected to be similar in meaning

* conceptually, it involves the mathematical embedding from space with many dimensions per word to a continuous vector space with a much lower dimension.

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